Wednesday 7 January 2009

To Happy or Not To Happy

Semalam dapat satu berita..yg mana sekaligus membuatkan aku rasa happy dan unhappy. Mood baik & tak baik tu bercampurbaur..mcm nasi kerabu yg digaul2 dgn ulam2an tu.

Baru aku perasan..sejak dua menjak ni memang perasaan aku tidak menentu sket..rupanya bende ni lah yg buatkan aku suka termenung dan mendiamkan diri..(sekejap je diam, pastu ketawa ngilai2 dgn abg..).

Bende apa pulaks..??

Sebenarnya abg akan tinggalkan kami..abg dapat internship di Dubai International Financial Centre, Dubai selama 3 bln mulai awal feb ni. Lamaaaa tuu kat sanaa. Mula2 dpt tahu berita tu of course la..i'm truly happy 4 him..but, at the mean really hurts me. It's as though you got choked..Imagining that my life is without him. Furthermore..the children, what is going to happen to them..esp Ameen & Iffah who are always sticked to ayah..

We still dunno whether there are accommodation & allowance for him or not. But then, we cannot simply decide to go there altogether since Dubai cost of living is very high..Besides, Ameen needs to go to school..the same goes to Iffah. All we have to do is to ask someone to come here & accompany me with the kids.

Time goes by and yet abg is still waiting for the letter of offer from Dubai..before making up his mind..

We shall wait n see..but whatever we decide, the life must go on..and suddenly I remember what Hagrid had said to Harry Potter when the boy experienced the worst day..(I am one of the die hard fans of JK Rowlings books - Harry Potter series)

"..what would come, would come, and you would have to meet it when it did..".

But, abang..dun worry. Whatever ur decision is..I can accept it. And, I must do.

May ALLAH shows His guidance to us all.


UnGu VioLet said...

akak, pasti setiap apa yg Allah tentukan ade sebab dan musababnye.. pasti itu lebih baik yg Allah tentukan utk kita..

Yakin dgn janji Tuhan..
Anyway, all the best for your husband sis!!

hnyhar said...

tenkiu..atas kata2 semangat tuu..
that is what friends are for..

Beautiful Life said...

Kak Nani...

Baru baca posting nih...ermm congrats to your hubby sbb dpt internship kat Dubai...sounds very prestigious. But on the other hand, looking at ur situation, kesian pulak....harap u tabah la sis untuk menghadapinya....

hnyhar said...

beautiful life,
thanx to u too..nak balk Msia pun, syg anak2 baru excited gi school. Lagilaa anak akak yg sulung tu..tiap hari bwk blk classwork..dia tgh bersemangat skrg ni..kesian plk ..sbb kalo blk Msia of course lamalaa diorg tak gi school..nnti lupa mcm2..tu yg buat kepala sedikit serabut..

akak ok je kalo tinggal ber-4 kat sini..kwn2 ramai. cuma time nak manage bdk2 waktu pagi tu b4 pegi school. kalut den nanti.